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    The Testimonials module allows you to manage testimonials that are displayed on the website. When adding a testimonial, you will be able to specify the title, author name, company name, date posted, image, abstract, testimonial content, and internal notes (shown only within SiteViz). Testimonials can be associated with a product or service. If it is associated with a product, a link will automatically be made available to direct website visitors from that testimonial to the specific product page. 

    "We are very pleased with our decision to work with Global Reach. Their quarterly reviews ensure that we stay on target to achieve optimal results from this resource. We have met our goals and have exceeded our expectations for the SEO strategy."

    Read Moreabout Deanna Banana testimonial

    Deanna Banana, Director of Market

    "You guys are awesome! I highly recommend Hugo North-Tooks for his knowledge and passion. Thank you for such amazing support, and I look forward to working with Global Reach in the future."

    Read Moreabout Jonny Bill testimonial

    Jonny Bill, Company Manager

    "The team at Global Reach was extremely well organized, knowledgeable, and trustworthy. I have been very pleased with their excellent customer service and their attention to detail. And, we now have a great online presence which has made for a very noticeable increase in business."

    Read Moreabout James Brown testimonial

    James Brown, Acting Ensign
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